miércoles, 20 de junio de 2018

➧Preventions ➩ 

The most important in a community is the system education 

The best way to fix this problem is not wasting money and time creating punishments which just make the family of truants gets falling down in poverty with any support from the government. If someone really wants to head their community, keep their integrity as a citizen with rights, aware of the objective of being a leader in front of citizenry requirements.
Citizens are government priority
From: https://c.tribune.com.pk/2017/10/1543233-Humanrights-1509131294-559-160x120.jpg

So in many countries where chronical truant is statistically official, the government needs planning programs those will be able to reduce the consequences that implicate become truant because especially student must be informed about risks and relevant factors.     

we need to raise awarness on students
From: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhnW8T2EI1Q8SCqzB6EmZO9fetG6mMNMt5dUx6wd9BJogmcrU-q9a2Oe-_o-015VFrPrjVtGCqTSrZ3TBTZwXYECJEDu9wS0F9cPBbM3bbxJvtVy92YMbcsGOkQmzbxMRxza49m-IMAZdKK/s640/public+school+firewall.jpg

➣ We need start at home to make seek between each member, setting care about our communication with our adults: parents, teachers, etc. Talk about one by one of the factors are affecting our teen years in the society, try to comprehend consequences it carries on with the pass of the time.

➢ As well, deepen on topics such as domestic violence, mental health or any consumer addiction as a reason for getting a truant, classes targeted to improve students development of the issue.

➢The educational institution must make sure about care from parents to their children assist at school.

And also there are many foundations, actually, they are helping through giving advice how to prevent this issue in the society. In the next video, one of many important programs explains about their method works.

The program provided by Bethel Community Foundation

From: https://youtu.be/lB9uQKPg58Y  


Safe School Healthy Students (2012). Truancy Prevention Efforts in School-Community. From. http://www.promoteprevent.org/sites/www.promoteprevent.org/files/resources/Truancy%20Prevention%20Efforts%20in%20School_0.pdf




Source: Furniere.A(2018) http://www.flanderstoday.eu/education/strict-attentive-style-prevents-truancy-say-reserchers recovered on: 20/06/2018


Exists a lot of reasons about the behaviour of some children that , they leave school without any justification, for example:
  • In many cases these children or adolescents, leave school because of problems that are borne in this as for example bullying
  • Many times these have some type of disability to be able to learn 
  • Another reason and I think it is the heaviest, is the family problems because children in one way or another welcome everything or that happens in their homes and their only way to act for maybe they want everything to return as before is acting in a bad way, because they feel guilty.
  • Another reason that is connected in an intrinsic way are the problems such as the attention deficit is in a certain way very apart from being a source of ridicule, there have been many cases in which teachers punish them without knowing the deficiency that that child has.

Source: Puffett.N(2012), CHILDREN YOUNG PEOPLE NOW ,  Strict but attentive style prevents truancy, say researchers http://www.flanderstoday.eu/education/strict-attentive-style-prevents-truancy-say-researchers recovered in: 20/06/2018.

  • Puffett.N(2012), CHILDREN YOUNG PEOPLE NOW ,Call for truancy fines to be deducted from child benefit   http://www.flanderstoday.eu/education/strict-attentive-style-prevents-truancy-say-researchers recovered in: 20/06/2018.
  •  Furniere.A(2018). FLANDERS TODAY, 
    Strict but attentive style prevents truancy, say researchers
     http://www.flanderstoday.eu/education/strict-attentive-style-prevents-truancy-say-reserchers recovered on: 20/06/2018



The Truancy is a problem in which students miss school without any justification in most cases because they do not like it.

Consequences of Truancy 

It should be noted that truancy has negative consequences that distort the pace of learning as well as consequences that fall directly on children and may affect their future life.

This has consequences and the most common and prejudicial are:

  • People who repeatedly fail to attend school without justification will have gaps in the academic environment because they do not attend classes.                                           
  • The Truancy people they have as a consequence having problems with their parents or with the school directors since they are not responsible people and interested in studying and following the rules.

  • Chronic absence affects both the high school graduation rate and the chances of success in college and will subsequently have problems in the workplace.

  • In addition, people who do absenteeism school can have as a consequence that they can become people with drug problems or have arms at an early age.

  • They may also have legal problems.

Video about Truancy



  • Asunción Sascha. (2012). Recovered to: http://saschavkv18.blogspot.com/2012/11/truancy-skipping-school.html
  • Reportero. (2017). Recovered to: http://elmonitorparral.com/notas.pl?n=94976
  • Understood. (2016)/school attendance/Chronic absenteeism. Recovered to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXhNluZQvP4


Solution to truancy problems 

There are several possible ways to solve the problem of truancy, because there is a strong link between good school attendance and the achievement of good results, since as we know the school prepares us therefore if there is school absenteeism these children will face serious consequences in the future

Resultado de imagen para truancy

What could be some solutions?

Some of the solutions can be:

  • Fine for every day that is missing without justification

  • Hold parents or guardians accountable by making sure they go to school and meet the requirements

  • Incentives for good attendance

  • Solve the problems that exist within the school so that they feel comfortable

  • Locate the children where they are

  • Jailing

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjrkpqRGLPQ

    "Every School Day Counts"

    • https://www.vcstar.com/story/news/local/2018/04/16/oxnard-girls-truancy-case-winds-its-way-through-california-supreme-court/480308002/
    • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjrkpqRGLPQ
    • https://www.theguardian.com/education/2009/nov/03/bunking-off-school-pupils-truancy


    Resultado de imagen para TRUANCY



    Resultado de imagen para TRUANT
    Students absent without a valid excuse for more than 21 periods(equal to 3 full school days) in one school year shall be classified as truant and a truancy letter will be sent home.                                                                After the first truancy, a student will receive an additional truancy letter for each additional 7 periods of absence.  If a student receives 3 truancy letters, he/she is referred to the Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) for appropriate legal action. 

     the number of unexcused absences which make a student legally truant, In many states, youth missing more than 10 days of school are required to repeat the entire school year. Truancy is a major problem nationwide, yet states do little to prevent it and little to re-engage truant youth.
    Truancy is a big problem, and it’s on the increase. The most recent figures, for 2009, show the truancy rate in England was up 4% on the previous year.

    In some cases, parents can be charged for allowing a child to become truant. Law enforcement agencies are often involved in youth truancy cases because truancy can be a precursor to delinquent behaviors and low-level crimes. It can also indicate family problems

    Estrategies for youth (2015).  How to understand truancy. https://strategiesforyouth.org/for-police/how-to/how-to-truancy/